Erika S.

Lines vibrating with color, in constant motion, swim across the insides of my eyelids. They collaborate to form waves, lizards, birds, and human figures. I open my eyes to a room tinted by the light of a single red light bulb. I close my eyes to go back, but only see darkness.

I tried to explain the visions to my boyfriend, unsure if my words could evoke in his mind what I had seen in mine. Judging by the growing look of confusion on his face, I decided I’d have to settle for never knowing if he visualized what I saw. That is, until I saw Erika’s art.

Erika’s work conveys movement through a series of short, vibrant strokes, emanating from a dark background. I can point to her latest pieces as the closest tangible visualization of what I saw on the backs of my eyelids that day.

The Finale

“[This] creation is inspired
by praying for the world & the country…
and all of the madness, sadness, and
draining things that are running amok in it…
A prayer for peace, healing, and compassion within the world 💗.”

A little bit of light (and hope)

“This piece was inspired by seeing a wave of humanity today with people being lined up to perform their civil duty to vote. I know that we have no idea how this election will turn out…but, seeing hundreds of people in droves with masks, relentlessly standing and waiting to vote gave me a small glimmer of hope. And, with this, I will continue to pray for compassionate and empathetic leadership in our country and for the world 💗”

Curious to know what goes on in her mind when she creates her work, I reached out to Erika to learn more about her and her process. Here’s what she had to share.

How do you describe the work you do? 

Mixed media-a medley of moods

Why do you do the work you do?

What motivates/inspires you to create the things you do?

It allows me to escape and express… plus I love creating things.

When and why did you start creating art in general?

Since I was a child. I fell in love with the art of creating and making things when I was very young. Art was one of my favorite classes in school. I keep in touch with my art teacher from elementary school 30+ years later.

Why do you decide to live in New York?

I ended up moving as a leap of faith move to be in different energy, and to also be in deeper community with one of my other big hobbies, salsa dancing.

Are you involved in the local art scene?

Not in a traditional way…in a “normal” world, I frequent lots of art events and activities, and support interesting arts and culture based things—but I have not had an exhibit/showing anywhere.

What has the pandemic been like for you?

It has been a time of exploration in playing with different types of art forms. My art evolves over time in different ways—and this past year, I have found myself experimenting with new things like oil pastels, pointillism, tangle art, and watercolor. Acrylic has tended to be my main past medium. I have also played around with new styles. And, I even did my very first “Artober with E” challenge where I created something every day throughout the month of October. I had a great time holding myself to that challenge, and pulling in different inspiration every day. 

I always say that I am socially antisocial introverted extrovert, and have found that throughout this past year I have been leaning heavily into my introverted antisocial side, which to me, sounds a bit weird, or backwards given the state of the world…But, in a world of chaos, I think it’s a way for me to kind of create my own little bubble.

Self Portrait: Me & My Bubble

I created this piece to document and express a mood. These times in the country and world can be very draining to the spirit, and a lot of self-care is needed. And, as a bit of an empath and HSP, I take protecting my peace very seriously. One of the things I tend to do is to kind of create/live in a bubble to try to keep a bit of peace and to maintain my energy. So, that is why the being in the bubble exists. The writing in the back is symbolic of everything happening in the world.

It’s a mixed media piece – oil pastels, art pens, and a bit of paint

Is there anything you wish you had done differently?

I think about this often…and then, I think about how doing one thing different changes everything…not sure if that’s an answer, but it’s where my mind is at the moment. But, I love traveling, and wish I had done even more of that pre COVID era madness.

What else would you like the world to know about you?

I’m a bit of an enigma…a question mark, a who’s who…lol. An open book, but not one that everyone is able to read…translate, or, fully understand. I love art, travel, culture, music, great energy, and great people. I also fuse a lot of my faith into my work—which is also very important to me. And, has definitely been keeping me together throughout my life.

This article is part of a series of artist biographies I created for the 8th annual #The100DayProject, a community art project in which thousands of people around the world challenge themselves to work on a creative project for 100 days. For my project, I challenged myself to share the story of an artist I recently discovered each day.
For more artist biographies, visit