Petey the Parakeet NFT 1

OpenSea Link Petey the Parakeet 1 is the first NFT I’ve created. The parakeet in the middle of the image is a vector illustration I made back when I was in college (decades ago now). ...

NFT Marketplaces

OpenSea OpenSea is the largest NFT marketplace. It’s the platform I recommend for artists getting started with NFTs because it lets anyone with an account mint NFTs (many platforms require artists to apply and ...

Bev Davis

It was another one of Washington’s notorious gray days when, upon the urging of a new friend, I went looking for the Whatcom Art Market. With downtown Fairhaven consisting of about four-to-five city blocks, it ...

Erika S.

Lines vibrating with color, in constant motion, swim across the insides of my eyelids. They collaborate to form waves, lizards, birds, and human figures. I open my eyes to a room tinted by the light ...

Barrett Lizza

The first time I walked through the door of Barrett Lizza’s studio, I felt like I’d been transported beyond the Pacific Northwest. Metal and wood fused furniture, vintage toys, old school devices stitched together to ...

2021 8th Annual #The100DayProject

One of my favorite parts of the year is coming up fast! In seven days, creatives from around the world will participate in #the100dayproject. Each participant decides on an act of creation, carries out that ...