Petey the Parakeet NFT 1

Petey the Parakeet 1 is the first NFT I’ve created.

The parakeet in the middle of the image is a vector illustration I made back when I was in college (decades ago now). I drew this bird based on a parakeet my friend kept in his dorm. It was a sweet bird.

I was browsing through old work and came across this little guy. I decided he needed a new life—an everlasting life—as an NFT.

I named him Petey after the poor parakeet who gets beheaded in Dumb and Dumber. As a child and parakeet owner at the time the movie came out, seeing a dead parakeet with its head taped back onto its body was a bit traumatizing. I think about that scene, of a blind kid in a wheelchair cooing “pretty bird” while petting his dead parakeet, every so often, and whenever I have dreams in which I have a bird, that bird’s name is always Petey.